The «Batman» baby then and now! What happened to the baby girl born with a huge birthmark?

Do you remember the baby born with a birthmark whom people called «a monster»?🧐🤔 This is what Luna looks like after undergoing six surgeries! 😍😊 See her incredible journey in this article! 👇👇👇

Today’s interesting story is about Luna Tavares-Fenner and her supportive and dedicated parents Carolina and Thiago Tavares, who show the entire world that love and hope can make things work and never give up.

Luna was born with a huge dark birthmark on her face which caught absolutely everyone’s attention. Even the passers-by failed to not to pay attention to it and leave a comment. The girl was called Batman and seemed to wear a mask.

The parents struggled even more than Luna and they clearly realized that her life wouldn’t be smooth as those of other kids. They were eager to accept and love Luna the way she was, yet they couldn’t endure others’ negativity and criticism towards her.

Some even called her «a monster». So, the parents started seeking help, even abroad. Thanks to people’s bigheartedness and anonymous generosity, they gathered enough money for her operation.

Her resilience and courage during 6 surgeries made a deep impression on doctors.  So, this is how she started to look like after the operation. Have a look!