«He cheated on his wife and left her with two kids» Let’s take a closer look into Sting’s and his wife’s incredible love story

Sting’s fans never accepted his wife bullying her for her «ugly» appearance! 😬💔This is what the wife of the legendary musician looks like 4 decades after the beginning of their romance! 🧐🫢 For more – see the article! 👇

Sting (Gordon Sumner) was born in 1951, in Wallsend, England. He is the lead-vocalist of The Police, a band he co-founded with S. Copeland. It was in 1984 that he released his debut album «The Dream Of The Blue Turtles».


What concerns his personal life, it didn’t escape public attention as well. His marriage to actress F. Tomelty ended in divorce after his affair with actress T. Styler.


The fact that she got pregnant in 1983 didn’t become known until 2002. They welcomed their first child Michey and then three more kids. For those who don’t know, Trudi had a terrible accident at the age of 2 which left many scars on her face.

Their relationship only became stronger year by year. Currently, they balance their career and spend time with their grandchildren.